Kate: I would know if he was going to take a hit out on us.
Sami: This is ridiculous. Do you think other families have conversations like these?

Eve: You are so mercenary.
Theresa: And you're so cheap.

Claire: She came back to the stones?
Jamie: That she did. They always do.

I smell the vapors of hell in you.

Father Bain to Claire

Demon, Fairy, devil. It doesn’t matter what name you put upon them


Claire: You don’t mind me seeing your back?
Jamie: I don’t. You seem to have a knack for letting me know you feel sorry for it without making me feel pitiful about it.

Sometimes I wonder what I did to make the devil punish me like this.


Frank: Claire Beaucham Randall, promise that you’ll return to me.
Claire: I will, Frank Randall. I promise.

It doesn't make any sense expect it makes absolute sense.


How many girlfriends have you had that can walk away from a bomb unscathed?


Traci: I can't imagine being too sane after I'd watched my son blow up.
Steve: You wouldn't turn into that.

There's a cop in here too. Stranded. Trapped inside a Staff Sergeant's uniform.
