We don't know how much time we got left, it doesn't seem worth it to spend it with someone you don't love.


I don't even believe in that word slut, it shames female sexuality and you know I'm against that 100%.


Shit happens Holly, you clean it up.


You two got yourselves a sticky situation. You better deal with it quick before your grandkids are your step-grandkids first.

Arlene [to Holly]

Bill Compton is one tough motherf*cker. He's gonna beat this thing. I mean, hell, he was like a bonafide vampire God about 6 months ago.


I lived around a lot of places and Bon Temps is the only place I ever really felt safe.


It wasn't until last night that I realized this town is f*cking crazy. And you, you're the mayor of crazy.

Nicole [to Sam]

Sarah Newlin's gonna be having the last f*cking laugh, shopping at Barney's and having her manicure if you two can't stop measuring your d*cks and strike a f*cking deal.


This is bullshit. I imagined my death many times but I never thought I'd meet the sun in some place with wall-to-wall carpet.


Frank: I'm protecting our family.
Liza: From what?

Whoa whoa whoa! Pace yourself there Seabisquit. That's a 15-year-old scotch.


You were the best student I ever had and you know I would support you to the end of the earth, but I think we just fell off it.
