A library card is a preferred form of ID from illegal immigrants.


Look at her shoes. Amazing isn't it? No matter how hard their lives, girls try to make things prettier.


Kira: What is it?
Lydia: It's a list of supernaturals in Beacon Hills. It's a dead pool. And we're all on it.

You're not a monster, you're a werewolf, like me.


Derek: We've learned a better way.
Peter: I'm a creature of habit.

Scott: How did you know?
Argent: I got your text.

Scott: Liam, what happened to you, what I did to you, which I had to do in order to save you...It's going to change you.
Stiles: Unless it kills you. I shouldn't have said that. Uh.. is he crying?

Stiles: OK Liam. Now, you've seen a lot of confusing things tonight and more confusing things are gonna happen because of the confusing things that happened tonight. Do you understand?
Liam: Not really.
Stiles: Good, that's good.
Scott: I don't either.

Regina: He never told me he had a will.
Bay: He already made the hard decision for us.

Love means doing what the other person wants, even if it's not what you want.


Whoa. Angelo is in the hospital with a brain injury and you were off taking some stupid test?


When my kids are in trouble, I want them to come to me whether or not they believe in me.
