Skinner: So from now on our cafeteria will only serve delicious Stuffwich's heroes, hoagies, and torpedoes.
Nelson: What about po' boys?
Skinner: Sorry, Nelson. Poor boys, such as yourself, will go hungry.

The only thing that keeps me from living here is that fish that swims up your pee stream. That is a deal breaker.


Skinner! I have seven other principals, and I've never yelled their names. Not even once.


Why are you concussing yourself? Why are you concussing yourself?


Diane: (To Will's client) If I were dead, it's exactly what Will would do. (Turns to David Lee) That felt good.
David: Turned me on.

Two men whose blood flows in each others veins. Take it with you, on your journey.


I search for an ancient tome called the Book of Leaves. It's a compendium of hidden wisdom that men have died to protect. Sixtus and his cohorts, they move mountains to find it. I believe it contains secrets that can put an end to these petty wars that beseech us forever.


Gideon: He is the devil, Mr. Graham. He is smoke. You'll never catch the ripper. He won't be caught. If you want him you'll have to kill him.
Will: Fair enough.

The Scythe: Smuggling the virus off the base was a masterstroke.
Peter: Yeah and it almost got me killed. Transformed into one of those things.

You contacted your military, the FBI, even Interpol for help but no one believed you. Ilaria is everywhere, while you hide in the shadows.

Immortal Hostage

I like to listen to 90's R&B before trial.


Sucky Tucky just kicked your butt!
