It helped but that was really creepy. I don't want to see you for a while.


It's been a major pleasure, Major Pleasure.


Remember when you told me to stop messing around and go get the girl. Well, check it. I got her.


Emery: Okay we're not going to do this again, the whole "I can't tell you for your own protection" crap.
Roman: You're better off not knowing.
Emery: That's for me to decide. Like it or not I'm in this now. You really wanna protect me? Let me know what we're up against.

Hey Zoe, you know what your problem is? You talk too damn much.


You're not the only one with human friends.

Sofia [to Roman]

How do you look somebody in the eyes that you care about and lie to them?


After everything that my dad went though, I understand what it's like to have your world turned upside down.


Three cheers for incompetence and faulty equipment.


So you're missing about two pounds of the body. Why can't you just say two pounds instead of getting all metric-y?


Cam: Who paid for this?
Hogins: Well, the TV from Archie Bunker's TV might be missing -- only momentarily.

Wow. Todd's money seems to be funding our investigation.
