Seeing as how this is my first suicide mission, no.

John; Are you ready for this? Stephen

Sophie: We were seconds away from being road kill. How are you so calm?
Cara: Practice

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A life for a life. What do you say?


Oh, I always have a plan, Stephen.


Beckett: If Hector's as dangerous as advertised this could get a little hairy.
Castle: Hairy's my middle name. That sounded a lot better in my head.

Castle: Speaking of your sister.
Gates: Let's not.

A southern chill? More like a polar vortex.


Looking at the pattern I'd say your Wall Street wolf was wearing a wire.


Maybe the invisible hand of the market killed Peter that would explain the lack of defensive wounds.


Stiles: Derek, if this is only just a dream, then why are you so worried?
Derek: Because I don't remember waking up.

Beckett: Castle I love you but I will not marry you on a ride or up in space or on slide.
Castle: I bet Dr. Seuss got married somewhere fun.

Danny: I just don't think I can do it.
Ethan: Do what?
Danny: Date a werewolf.
Ethan: You knew?
Danny: Dude, it's Beacon Hills.