Potato, po-treason, whatever.


Cyril: Only if you promise to periodically micromanage it and emasculate me.
Malory: Cyril. I would have thought that goes without saying.

God, how I envy the deaf.


Think cool thoughts, like eating mint chocolate ice-cream...in your refrigerated drawer...at the morg


Not as scary as having to live in "Casa de Addams Family" with you two!


Archer: I realize now that I was mistaken
Lana: Aww, what a scary new feeling for you.

Archer: Since when?
Malory: Since this new thing called "always?"

Nora: What?
Aidan: Um...I can smell it? I'm sorry!
Nora: Oh my God!
Aidan: Now I'm horrified!
Nora: Is that like an ongoing skillset?
Aidan: No. Well...
Nora: So in all the time we've known each other and all the time we've lived together, you could...
Aidan: It just kind of comes with the territory of being a vampire! There's not much I can do about that.
Nora: Great!

  • Permalink: Great!
  • Added:

It's definitely my genetic material.

Adam [about the tooth necklace]

Hello my name is Marnie Michaels. I am prominently featured in many of Hannah's essays.


I leave my body during sex. It's called disassociation. It's an anxiety symptom.


It's really amazing that all three of you have accomplished so little in the four year since college.
