You are walking through a red forest and the grass is tall.

Striking Woman

Cole: Look I don't have a lot of time to explain this to you. They're going to put a bullet in Cassie's head.
Aaron: Who's they?
Cole: The Army of the 12 Monkeys. They're the ones that start the plague.
Aaron: Just tell me where she is.
Cole: Right now she's in a place called the Night Room; it's a Markridge facility. They're trying to get into the vault right now. Her and I are tied up in a room up...
Aaron: You crazy piece of shit. You are sitting right here.
Cole: The other me. Not this me, the other me. That's why I need you okay. I can't cross with myself. Believe me you don't want to be around for a paradox okay. Look you help me, you help her.

Ramse: Who the hell is this?
Cole: Hey it's me, it's Cole.
Ramse: I buried Cole. I covered the grave myself.
Cole: Wait a minute, I just came out of that machine.
Ramse: Nothing comes from there.
Cole: Alright, you and I, we left the West VII. Jones and her crew took us in.
Ramse: No.
Cole: Hey, only girl you've ever loved is Elena. Your mother's name is Roberta. You told me once she's pretty and that whenever I make jokes about banging her you laugh but I know secretly it pisses you off.
Ramse: Cole?
Cole: It's good to see you too.

Jones: Where do you come from?
Cole: From your machine over there.
Jones: I remember all the faces of the men that went in there. Yours is not one of them. They never came back.

Jones: Go, call me a monster.
Ramse: This is wrong.
Jones: This was necessary. You don't think I felt the pain of those men.
Ramse: You kept going.
Jones: Because in a thousand generations we could not rebuild what was lost. What is the lives of a few people, compared to the whole of human history? Without it, there's nothing. Nothing, no future; just drifting in the ocean of time. No shore in sight.
Ramse: You tell me the truth, this going to happen to Cole?
Jones: I won't let it happen.

You know insanity and rationality might be on opposite sides of the animal, but lately, doctor, the snake is eating its own tail. And if you were to ask HIM, he would tell you that 99.9% of all species that have ever existed are now extinct; the natural order.

The Pallid Man

Ramse: Cole wasn't the first was he?
Jones: No, there were others. Others lost in time.

Cassie: I've seen that face before, right before you shot Leland Goines.
Cole: Look Cassie, this is it. We've found it, what we've been looking for this whole time. This is the Night Room. We're going to be careful okay, but one way or another I'm getting into that lab.

Ivan: You don't think someone would try and steal this thing?
Jennifer: Its happened before.

Who knows, maybe things happen the way they do for a reason?


Deacon's taking for power; okay. He's murdering 'cause he likes it. Whatever this world is now, it shouldn't be this man.


If this facility were to fall, all would be lost. The mission is everything.


12 Monkeys Season 1 Quotes

About four years from now, most of the human race is gonna be wiped out by a plague; a virus. All we know is that it's because of a man named Leland Frost. I have to find him.


What if you could take it back? All of it? A reset switch? You'd hit it right? You'd have to.
