Sherrie's mom: Maybe this wouldn't have happened if she felt like she could talk to me.
Hen: You can't do that to yourself. Kids are utterly unpredictable when they're trying to figure out who they are. The best we can do is show up for them when they need us.

Chimney: Hey, glad you guys could make it.
Bobby: Thanks for having us over.
Athena: I'm dying to see the house.
Chimney: Yeah. Seems like a lot of people feel the same way.

Buck: Hey, you, um, you see people who have been through near-death experiences all the time, right?
Dr. Salazar: It’s, unfortunately, a high percentage of my clientele.
Buck: What happens to them after? They just go back to their same old lives? Go back to being the same old people?
Dr. Salazar: Some do. They tell me that almost dying makes them appreciate what they have, but for others, they’ll walk out of my office and decide to quit their job or leave their spouse. And for some reason, a lot of them want to go to Italy.
Buck: That’s one place I’ve never been.
Dr. Salazar: What I’ve learned from watching them is that water finds its own level. And people do, too. Recovery is a bumpy road, but eventually, everyone finds their equilibrium. Even if it is in another country.

Bobby: I’ve been feeling a little lost.
Wendall: Then let’s help you find your way back.

You have to let this go, or you’ll end up like Wendall.

Tamara [to Bobby]

Buck: Maddie, I’m fine.
Maddie: Buck, you died, okay? And not almost. You actually died. We don’t know the long-term repercussions of that.
Buck: Well, it was only for three minutes. Come on, if a guy can’t make a joke about dying, what’s the point in living?

Eddie: So, now, am I allowed to ask how you are?
Buck: Honestly, Eddie, I don’t know.
Eddie: You died, Buck. You’re gonna feel a lot of different ways about that. Sometimes all at the same time. I found the best way to process it is to allow yourself to feel it.
Buck: But you do eventually, right? You process it?
Eddie: Every day you open your eyes in the morning, you feel a little less surprised the world’s still there.

May: I just, I wish there was something more I could do to help.
Athena: I'm pretty sure that just seeing your face will be enough. He's always everyone else's shoulder to lean on. But even the strong snap eventually.

Hey, Buck. It's Christopher. I know you're sick, but it's only temporary. And you're gonna be okay. That's what all the machines are doing. Making you better. But wherever you are, you have to come back. Wherever you are right now, you have to come back.


Buck: Hi, I'm Buck. We're friends.
Chimney: And yet, I've never seen you before.
Buck: Look, I know I might sound crazy. I think I got hurt on the job, and now I'm trapped in some kind of alternate universe, coma fever dream, and I need your help.
Chimney: Okay. Why don't you wait right here, and I'll go call someone like the police.

Buck: Do you know what's happening to me in there?
Bobby: Depends on how you look at it. You could be dying. You could be fighting for your life. It's kinda up to you. Which way you leaning?

Maddie: Oh, she is going to redecorate your entire apartment. You know that, right?
Buck: It's okay. I don't mind. It's kinda nice.

9-1-1 Season 6 Quotes

Buck: I just want to know what these other candidates have that apparently, I don't.
Christopher: Buck, you don't even have a couch.

Bobby: How's crowd control, Sargeant?
Athena: Got called in to do an emergency heart transplant instead.
Bobby: Well, you win.
Athena: Who's keeping score?