Matthew: I thought you knew about vampires. That's why you invited me to dinner.
Diana: I probably know a little less than most humans do.
Matthew: Most legends about us were dreamed up by humans.
Diana: Black hats, and bats, and brews.
Matthew: Yes, somewhere in all those stories there's a speck of the truth, something that frightened humans and helped them to deny that we're real.

Diana: Matthew. What time is it?
Matthew: Five O'Clock. You were asleep for ten hours. You were exhausted from the Witch Wind.
Diana: Witch Wind.
Matthew: Mmm. No witch has summoned it for centuries. You have to leave Oxford.
Diana: No. I can't leave.
Matthew: Peter Knox will come after you.
Diana: I can deal with Peter Knox.
Matthew: Not yet, you can't. Your power is extraordinary, but it's undisciplined. You have to come to terms with it somewhere safe.

Matthew: I've never felt so protective. Over anyone.
Marcus: You can protect her without causing a shit storm.

Gillian: Are you going to give the book to the vampire?
Diana: I will understand that book. I'm going to deal with this myself.

Matthew: What do you taste?
Diana: Flowers and spice. You?
Matthew: There's violets in there. The purple sugared ones. Elizabeth Tudor absolutely adored them. Ruined her teeth. Also, blackberries from hedgerows, cigar smoke, red currants, and brandy. I could go on.
Diana: What would I taste like?
Matthew: Don't ever say that to me.
Diana: I only asked to understand.
Matthew: It would only take but a moment. You wouldn't be able to stop me if I struck, and I wouldn't be able to stop myself.
Diana: I'm safe with you.
Matthew: [grabs her] The smell of you… Willow sap. Chamomile honey. Frankincense. Lady’s mantle. Ancient things I thought I’d forgotten. It’s not only your scent. I can hear your witch’s blood moving in your veins. When I touch your skin and it rushes to the surface.

Diana: You don't breath much.
Matthew: Well, our hearts don't beat. [pause] Very often.

Peter Knox: Expecting someone?
Diana: Get out of my rooms!
Peter: You're feeding him. You shy away from us and yet you seek out vampire company.
Diana: I'm not a bigot like you.
Peter: Just like your father, so open-minded that he put himself and your mother in mortal danger.

Matthew: Hello, Miriam.
Miriam: You're craving her.
Matthew: Miriam, how I feel about Diana Bishop has absolutely nothing to do with you.
Miriam: She's a witch. You're a vampire. You know the rules. It's forbidden by the terms of the covenant.
Matthew: The Congregation is not going to enforce a four-thousand-year-old rule.
Miriam: Does Diana even know about it? Because Marcus doesn't seem to think so.
Matthew: Bye, Miriam.

"Alchemy exists to transform mortals from a state of suffering to enlightenment." I didn't know into all this.


Miriam: Certainly you're worried about the Bishop blood. I certainly have.
Diana: What will this tell us.
Marcus: Your inherited traits as well as where you've come from. From your DNA, we can trace you back to one of four witches...
Matthew: What the hell are you doing? If any vampire is going to take her blood, it's going to be me.

Diana: And you?
Matthew: I was born human. We didn't keep track of birthdays back then, but I'd estimate it was in 500 and then I was reborn as a vampire in 537.
Diana: The things you must have seen.
Matthew: Mmm. And done.
Diana: Would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow?

Diana: Living without magic isn't bad. I've survived without it.
Matthew: Well, that's not quite true. You use it all the time. You can feel me when I look at you.
Diana: It feels cold, like ice growing under my skin.
Matthew: Witch power is in your blood, it's in your bones. You were born to be a witch just as you were born to have blonde hair and those blue eyes.

A Discovery of Witches Season 1 Quotes

I'm still not comfortable around magic, especially after what happened to my parents. I still find it... I just find it difficult.


Once the world was full of wonders, but it belongs to humans now. We, creatures, have all but disappeared. Demons, vampires, and witches hiding in plain sight, fearful of discovery, ill at ease even with each other. But, as my father used to say, in every ending, there is a new beginning.
