Nick: I just need to see this case through. Once it's over, things can get back to normal.
Alice: Don't lie to me. There is no more normal.

Doctor: How are things going with Nick?
Emily: There's nothing with Nick. He chose her.
Doctor: He never chose, Emily. You were dead.
Emily: Yeah, well, he could choose now.

Doctor: So is that what you want now that you're back? Your old life?
Emily: I don't know. I don't know if I'd know how to live it.

The answers are in your head, Emily, if you could only remember.

Conrad Harlow

Detective Gibbs: I think you might challenge me for the title.
Emily: Of?
Detective Gibbs: The most stubborn cop in Boston. Personally, I prefer relentless or best.
Emily: But what kind of cop are you? The kind who closes cases or one who actually solves them?

It's like that movie where the angel takes the guy and shows him what life would be like without him and everybody is so much worse off, except in my case it's the opposite.


Jack: You know what really gets me? It's that just as life was starting to become bearable again, you had to come back.
Emily: You're such an asshole when you drink, you know that?

Lt. Campbell: No one in this department thinks she's innocent.
Det. Gibbs: That doesn't make her guilty.

You don't break rules, Nick. It's not who you are, so don't start now.


Nick: Thank you.
Alice: For what?
Nick: For being so patient with her.
Alice: It's not her fault, it's yours. You were supposed to be there.

Emily: Nick, why do you trust me?
Nick: I know you.

Nick: I can't be around you or her without feeling like I'm betraying someone.
Alice: Then why are you here now?
Nick: I can't do this alone.

Absentia Season 1 Quotes

If you don't believe me, Nick, why are you even asking me the question?


Alice: I know she would have loved to be at your race, every race, but she wanted to make your life safer, and mine. We kind of owe her, don't you think?
Flynn: You're my Mom.