This is the only country in the world that wonders what it is.


The only thing that scares me is being forgotten. I can survive most things, but not that.


Shadow, at best you suffer from a failure of imagination. We're gonna have to fix that.


Wednesday: That woman thinks Jesus suffered for her sins. They're her sins, why should Jesus do all the suffering?
Shadow: Because his dad sacrificed his ass.
Wednesday: Don't blame the parent. Plenty of suffering and sacrifice to go around.

Why are you talking to me about marshmallows? Like I'm worried about marshmallows! [takes the hot cocoa] Yeah, I like marshmallows.


Kissing is disgusting, but in a nice way, like bleu cheese or brandy.


Are you sure I do this with you? Follow the wrong god, I do not see my Tita again. [the cat pushes her inside]

Mrs. Fedeo

Shadow: I'm not gonna steal from you.
Wednesday: If you can't look out for yourself, how the hell you gonna look out for me?

So, at sunrise, I get to knock your brains out, and you will go down on your knees willingly. It's good. A shame. You're my only black friend.


Czernobog: You're black, right?
Shadow: That a problem?

Wednesday: I'm going to tell you something, and you're going to want to hurt me. But the words, they have to be said. So I want you to consider my words very carefully and refrain from knocking my teeth out.
Shadow: Say it.
Wednesday: Word on the street is your wife died sucking your best friend's cock, and you, sir, are only obligated to feel bad about that for so long.
Shadow: Thank you. For warning me.

Wednesday: They don't have a clue. They don't have a fucking clue!
Shadow: I don't have a fucking clue! I don't give a fuck if they don't have a fucking clue. I want one! Give me a fucking clue!
Wednesday: Clues were not in the agreement.

American Gods Season 1 Quotes

It's like one of those good/news bad news jokes, isn't it? The good news is, we'are lettin' you out early. The bad news is your wife's dead.


Shadow, we're going to be releasin' you later this afternoon. You'll be gettin' out a coupla days early. There's no good way to say this, so I'll put it plain. This came in from Johnson City Hospital from Eagle point. Your wife, she died in the early hours of this morning. It was ah, an automobile accident.
