Vin, whatever went down between you and my son, that's your business. But, you show up on my property? That's my business, and trust me, you don't want that.


You proved it yesterday. You can handle yourself. That's what matters, not who, out of an impressively large group of dipshits, knocked up your mom.


They're fine? They look like a five year old did them. A blind one with one hand.


Craig: You don't think I can keep my dick in my pants.
Deran: Nope.

You are right to fear these people.

Detective Yates

My dad might be an idiot, but I'm not.


The warning signs are loud and clear.


We need you to do something for us.


Paul: Are you threatening me?
Baz: No. Never. Because you want this. You want what's on the other side.

Paul, you're a smart guy. You can spot an opportunity that presents itself. I'm about to present you with an opportunity.


If you're going to cross the line, you make sure it's a line worth crossing.


He's mad you broke up with her. Says we can't trust you.


Animal Kingdom Season 1 Quotes

Craig: I guess we're Lutheran. Who knew?
Daren: It must have been the cheapest.

Your mom just died, man. It's a free pass.
