Listen to me, shootin' off my big mouth to a general's wife.


When I married Frank, I chose a course for better or worse, and I've been through both. But either way, up or down, it's been my choice. I'm an Army wife, and I'm proud of it.


We may be gettin' older, but we still got it!


It's called multi-tasking Trevor. Every mom does it.


You could work at a restaurant during the day, I just don't want you working at a bar.


Michael: So, what do you think?
Claudia Joy: I think you're incredible!
Denise: Both of you.
Frank: Yes we are!

Claudia Joy: Michael?
Michael: We almost lost you.

Frank: You know, I have been staring at the same page of this magazine for the last half hour and for the live of me I have no idea what it's about.
Michael: I wonder if this is what it's like for them every time we deploy.
Frank: Well I hope not.

Claudia Joy: You need to know what I want if something goes wrong.
Michael: Nothing's going to go wrong.
Claudia Joy: Honey, I've been doing this for you ever time you deploy for the last 23 years. You can do this for me this once.

If Hector can't handle you working here then he can't come in!


I think it's time we distanced ourselves from the Whittakers.


Claudia Joy: Audrey is looking for payback.
Michael: What?
Claudia Joy: She dropped a pretty broad hint about you giving Bryce some sort of advisory position.

Army Wives Season 6 Quotes

Michael: I'm gonna retire.
Claudia Joy: Honey, I know you're disappointed, but shouldn't you think this over?
Michael: I have though it over. I've commanded a division Claudia Joy, I'm not going out commanding a desk. I'll go out as the last commander of the 23rd. Besides, it's your turn. You've followed me around the world for the last 25 years. I think it's time I followed you.
Claudia Joy: Michael...
Michael: As of this moment, we are out of the Army.

Roxy: Babe, we've got to get back.
Trevor: You need to relax, yeah, really relax.