I've been feeling guilty about spending so much time with Jackie lately. I got the strangest vibe from Claudia Joy today.


Ask yourself. Who do you want to get that third star? Michael or Kevin Clark?


Denise: I know, they're not the easiest group.
Roxy: Are you kidding? They're horrible.
Denise: They just need to be lead.
Roxy: Yeah, off a cliff!

Roxy: You didn't tell me she was an imperial storm trooper.
Trevor: I had no idea.

If this is supposed to be a pep talk, I'm still waiting for the pep.


Claudia Joy: Michael, is that offer for DC still open?
Michael: You bet.
Claudia Joy: Great. I think you're right. I do need a break from Ft. Marshall.

Roland: I don't do teen therapy groups.
Charlie: Why not? You're obviously good at it.

Are you kidding me? Are you saying that now that Trevor's made officer, he's not officer enough?


Because I am team Holden all the way. I don't root for anyone else.


Well, we don't say goodbye, Pamela. We say see you again. See you again.

Claudia Joy

Roxy: And now she's breaking us up. Just like Yoko.
Roland: Here's to Pamela. The good times, the bad times...
Roxy: And everything in between.

Michael: Would you like to live in that house?
Claudia Joy: No. But I don't want them to either.

Army Wives Season 6 Quotes

Michael: I'm gonna retire.
Claudia Joy: Honey, I know you're disappointed, but shouldn't you think this over?
Michael: I have though it over. I've commanded a division Claudia Joy, I'm not going out commanding a desk. I'll go out as the last commander of the 23rd. Besides, it's your turn. You've followed me around the world for the last 25 years. I think it's time I followed you.
Claudia Joy: Michael...
Michael: As of this moment, we are out of the Army.

Roxy: Babe, we've got to get back.
Trevor: You need to relax, yeah, really relax.