Angela: Are you leaving, too?
Leon: Yeah. Cathy’s gotta get home and watch the Investigation Channel. It’s murder week.
Cathy: Everybody ain’t got to know my business.

Dimitri: Where’s my money, Joe?
Joe: Fuck you.

Leon: Why didn’t you just give them the combination?
Joe: Because fuck em.
Leon: Four broken fingers for fuck em? Nice, Joe.

Hey. Listen to me. Both of you. Listen very carefully to me, okay? This is the most important thing. No one can know about this. I mean, no one. That is the number one reason plans like this always get fucked up. That means not Angela. Not Jennifer. Definitely, not Cathy.


Tuchawuski: What the fuck is everyone looking at?
Leon: What do you think they’re looking at? Did you have to wear your uniform?
Tuchawuski: Yeah, I did. I told you I’m going into the station right after this. Besides, they know I’m one of the good ones, right?
Leon: Yeah. I don’t know. Maybe take your hand off your gun in a room full of grieving black people.

Average Joe Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Dimitri: Where’s my money, Joe?
Joe: Fuck you.

Angela: Are you leaving, too?
Leon: Yeah. Cathy’s gotta get home and watch the Investigation Channel. It’s murder week.
Cathy: Everybody ain’t got to know my business.