Norman: Why should I tell you where she is if you're only going to kill me anyway? Did you think about that Sheriff Lonely Heart?
Romero: Listen to me, you piece of shit. I don't know what kind of sick fuck digs his mother's body out of a grave and moves it around and I don't want to know about it or what you did to it.

This is how it ends, isn't it?


I want you to be happy. I want you to be well.


We're not a family without you Dylan.


I'm sorry. I don't mean to be a dick. I just had a real bad day.


You killed your mother. You're going to have to live with that.


Death isn't about deserving, it's just part of the deal.


Dylan: You leaving now?
Emma: Yeah. I'm going to go home where it's normal.

Norman only tricked me for a couple of weeks. How did he trick you for your entire life?


It's one thing to wish you brother dead and another one to have it happen.


You seem like you like to succeed. To win. And being a mother is an impossible job to win.


Everyone has multiple personalities, Julia. We put out what we need when we have to.


Bates Motel Season 5 Quotes

What dream am I in Mother?


Norman: Oh mother, what is wrong with you?
Mother: What is wrong with me? Oh. Let me see. Ahhhh. Well, for starters, I am dead. And why am I pretending to be dead? So I can get away from everyone and anyone who can distract me from YOU, OK?
Norman: I know that, and I appreciate it.
Mother: You appreciate it? You appreciate it like I baked you a coffee cake or something? I spend 24/7 in this house lookin' after you, feeding you, bolstering your moods, doing your laundry. I can't leave. I'm going nuts here. I literally gave up my life to protect you. To give you a life without trouble. And we're doin' it, right? We're doin' it. I mean, a mentally ill boy and a dead woman. We're actually doin' it. We have customers, we have a life.
Norman: I know, and I appreciate it.