Cat: Tess, I'm ten days late.
Tess: Ohhh.
Cat: Don't 'oh' like that. We haven't been partners like that so maybe we're off schedule.
Tess: Sorry, it's just my head went to Breaking Dawn Part 2.

So, next time, when we're going over the options of what we're going to do, running away from me is not one. That's not what partners do. And I learned that from you.


J.T.: Okay. Before we put all of our faith in this charcoal partnership, I should probably mnetion out that her other BFF Evan is now on Muirfield's payroll.
Cat: What?
J.T.: You really know how to pick 'em.

It can't happen again. The son of a bitch has been eviscerated.


Joe: The best way to make people feel safe is to eliminate the problem. Let's kill this bastard.
Gabe: Is that the police chief talking or the victim's brother?

J.T.: Call the CSI guy again.
Cat: CSU. CSI is a TV show.

Heyyyyy. Look who got her own house key. Who knew?


Evan: You're going a long way to protect this thing.
Cat: I'm trying to find the real killer.
Evan: Is that what this is?
Cat: What else would it be?
Evan: I found cross-species DNA on your scarf.

Yeah, no Twitter either. You know why? He can't have any followers.


Knowing you'll always be there to rip someone limb from limb in a pinch is a little different than knowing your not going to play Ice Castles with the next hot chick that comes along.


Okay. We're all gonna die. I'm gonna get a Tums.


Tess: Do you kiss him when he's like that?
Cat: No. Not when he's fully like that, but when he's somewhere in between.
Tess: Okaaay. The world really is grey with you.

Beauty and the Beast Quotes

Vargas:This is where he lives? A chemical plant?
Cat: He's a researcher, maybe he works from home?
Vargas: Or maybe it's a meth lab.
Cat: Just my type.

Everyone told me it was just a coyote or a bear. This thing I thought I had seen was just a result of my concussion or post traumatic stress. No, the men who killed my mother were beasts. I believed them. Until now.
