Billy: Why'd you get arrested?
Alias: Let's just say I don't like the law.

Alias: What the hell are you doing riding up here?
Billy: I just broke out of jail.
Alias: That has got to be the best excuse I ever heard for being anywhere.

Antrim: So you caught me. This is my money.
Billy: You haven't earned any of it. Not a fuckin' penny.

My life's in God's hands and I can't change that.

Kathleen [to Ash]

Ash: That wasn't about you, Billy. It was about [Matthews] sending me a message.
Billy: Well, he sent me a pretty clear message too, Mr. Upson.

Billy: I'm doing this for you, ma. You know we can't depend on Antrim.
Kathleen: I know you think I'm foolish but I still believe people can change. I have to believe that.

Kid, I reckon there's not much I can teach you after all.

Jesse [to Billy]

[Billy] never shows me no fuckin' respect.

Antrim [to Kathleen]

A shame [Antrim's] head hadn't been an inch the other way.

Mining's not for me. It never was. That's why you get educated, so you don't end up digging the earth like some animal.


Sometimes I think courage is just the honesty to recognize your own weakness and then do something about it.

Ash [to Billy]

Gambler: Some advice: Don't mess up your own life for someone that doesn't matter.
Billy: He matters to me.

Billy the Kid Season 1 Quotes

I adore who you are, Billy, each and every day of my life. Today is no different.

Kathleen [to Billy]

Bartender: Hey now, friend. Can I get you something?
Billy: Not yet.