Jennifer: Hey, maybe you shouldn’t work out so hard.
Jefferson: No, I’m fine.

Jefferson: Tobias is in Freeland, Gambi.
Gambi: Breathe, Jefferson, Breathe!

Tobias: What the hell happened to you?
Joey: I just fought Black Lightning. One more minute and he would have been dead. Something’s wrong with his head.
Tobias: So, why didn’t you finish him?
Joey: I tried, I was holding my own. He trashed my gun. I tipped our guy at the department.
Tobias: There was a time you could depend on white boys to be professional. Nowadays, white boys are just as lazy and predictable as your brothers.

Jennifer: Khalil, I’ll pray for you.
Khalil: Yeah, you can keep your damn prayers. Now, get out!

Jefferson: What the hell waas she doing?
Lynn: What you do. She has powers, Jeff.

Jefferson: What the hell were you thinking?
Jennifer: Okay, look. It wasn't my fault.
Lynn: It doesn't matter whose fault it was. Did you not see the cast on her wrist?

Jefferson: Are you sure about this?
Gambi: In theory.
Jefferson: That's not the vote of confidence I was looking for.

Jefferson: Fighting should never be about adding fuel to the fire.
Jennifer: What about when somebody's trying to regulate upside your head?

I've been waiting to knock you out since the sixth grade.


Drug Dealer: I got that Green Light.
Anissa: Oh, I got your Green Light. Who’s the bitch now?

Jennifer: Can I be excused?
Jefferson: No.
Lynn: Yes, you can be excused.

Black Lightning’s death was your calling card, and now people are beginning to feel like they’ve been deceived and it’s affecting my bottom line.

Lady Eve

Black Lightning Season 1 Quotes

Lynn: You've been on the streets fighting The 100 for years. Let someone else do it. The girls need a father.
Jefferson: Baby, I promise. No more.

Black Lightning was the savior who kept our streets and our schools safe. He was hope personified. But he was also Jefferson Pierce, my father.
