Flint: Peter Ashe isn't the man that you remember. Six months ago, he hanged four men in his harbor for possession of pirated goods. This is not a man that we can negotiate with. That I, can negotiate with.
Miranda: Of course you can, because you will just have presented him with his only daughter. Safe and unharmed and without conditions.

You are summarily discharged from service. No charges will be drawn against you provided you leave London quietly and are neither seen nor heard from again.

Admiral Hennessey

Billy: Flint killed him?
Silver: Yes.
Billy: And he's still captain? How?
Silver: Well after a brief interlude, the men saw what I am hoping you will see. That with the gold still sitting on that beach, he represents our best, perhaps our only chance of retrieving it.

I fear that to take that fort would be to divide this island in the most dangerous way. To force men to take sides against each other, at a time when our very survival demands the very opposite.

Mr. Scott

People can say what they like about you, but you're a good man. More people should say that. And someone should be willing to defend it.


Max: What is happening here - the three of us - it is only temporary. A state of denial until she finally makes a choice.
Rackham: A choice between you and I? Anne and I have been by each others sides since she was thirteen years old. We have sailed together, we've killed together, we have shared things you couldn't begin to imagine. You've shared a bed with her for a week.
Max: You would be amazed what could change in a week in my bed.

Hamilton: When my father arrives, I would like to propose to him that we don't hang the pirates; that we pardon them.
Flint: I'm sorry, what was that?
Hamilton: I want to pardon them.
Flint: You want to pardon them?
Hamilton: Yes
Flint: How many?
Hamilton: All of them.
Flint: Alright.
Hamilton: The island needs commerce to survive. It needs labor, it needs men and women vested in its interests. Don't these men fit that description? Couldn't they become part of the solution?

Eleanor: Captain Vane's issued a reply to your ultimatum. It's being read aloud on the beach as we speak. I think you should see it.
Flint: Give us the room.
Hornigold: I have as much right...
Flint: Now please. You must ask yourselves who represents the greater threat to your interests. My men in this fort or the madman on the water.

Nassau was unable to resist him, but we have yet to have our say. So, at sunrise tomorrow we make our terms clear, with no room for bargain or compromise. Charles Vane and the animals he commands have until sunrise tomorrow to vacate that fort or so help me God, I will reign holy hell down upon him.

Captain Flint

Max: I know what Low's cargo is.
Vane: No shit.

Every man has his torments. Demons born of past wrongs that hound and harass him. You perceive the effects of Captain Flint's demons; echoes of their voices. But I know their names. I was there when they were born. I know the things they whisper to him at night. So you can believe me when I tell you that within his chorus of torments, none of them look or sound like me.

Mrs. Barlow

I've made camp at Port Royal, Tortuga, Kingston. No matter where I've been one thing is true, there's always one. The one you don't cross. It would seem readily apparent, that in this place that would be you.

Captain Low

Black Sails Quotes

Silver: Hang on, you're serious about taking the ship?
Flint: What the f**ck did you think?
Silver: I thought this was how you intended to escape.

There's no way of approaching that beach from the land. And even if it weren't for the soldiers, and even if it weren't for the guns; there's a f**king warship watching over every inch of the bay. A f**king warship that's already killed half your number. A f**king warship that will prevent any approach to that beach via the sea. There's simply no way of stealing that gold. But there might be something else you can steal. The f**king warship.
