Gwen: [Lexi] was caught breaking into a car.
Lexi: Hitchhiking isn't exactly safe, is it?

I'm gonna die of mummy cancer.


Shaw, live in here or die out there. Your choice.

Danny [to Aiden]

That seems like a lot of blood.


Think of this as a Swiss bank full of tiny Swiss banks.

Rory [to Danny]

If anything's wrong, you're a dead man.

Farouk [to Aiden]

I spent two years hating you only because it was easier than hating myself.

Lexi [to Danny]

Wait! Wait! Wait! Don't leave me here with her [Lexi]!

Aiden [to Danny]

Stop saying things I want to say.

Reza [to Lexi]

You're the one who came to me ... the criminal.

Lexi [to Danny]

It's like a rich douche convention.

Lexi [to Danny]

Lexi: We know exactly what we're walking into: a black-market bazaar thrown by dangerous criminals attended by greedy and unscrupulous people.
Danny: So for you just another Saturday night.