What, there's not enough blood and guts here at the lab, you had to go out and buy your own?


Arms work fine, it's the rest of me that's the problem.


No, I have plenty of feeling. Anger, rage, biting sarcasm, although I'm not sure that last one is a feeling or just a really pissy attitude.


Cam: Dr. Hodgins would you like a hand?
Hodgins: No, but I could use a new pair of legs.

It was exhilarating, Cam. If I had known I was getting one of those I would have crippled myself months ago.


May the force remain in your proximity.


Wendell: What if it's more detrimental for him to stay at home thinking about everything he can't do?
Brennan: There is no quantitative method for evaluating such an question.

Brennan: I'm going to hug you.
Angela: Thanks for the heads up.

So what I'm hearing you say is that there's no version of us all making it through this alive?


Wendell: What if there's an animal in there?
Hodgins: Dude, that's half the fun.

Cam: The last time I saw or spoke to Arastoo was the night he quit. That was months ago, Dr. Hodgins.
Hodgins: And yet the minute he heard what happened he dropped everything to come rushing down here. It's obvious Arastoo still cares about you.
Cam: And I still care about him but right now I care more about catching a cop killer.

I'd go and make cheese sandwiches for minimum wage if it meant coming home to you every night.
