Jim: I don't have time, Shirley. The Yips are like a missing child. The first 24 hours are everyting. If you don't solve it by then, you might as well start checking dumpsters and ever-expanding concentric circles for what's left of my career!
Jim: Dammit. I thought sobriety was supposed to solve my problems, not invent new ones.
Shirley: Sobriety just reveals the problems you've been avoiding with drugs and alcohol.
Jim: Seriously?
Shirley: Mmm hmm.
Jim: Because I've got about 40 years of problems stacked up here. I can barely get through five seasons of Friday Night Lights.
Shirley: Oh, you should. It's really good.
Jim: After I watch Breakin' Bad.
Shirley: You haven't seen Breaking Bad?
Jim: Don't binge shame me, Shirley. I'm barely hanging on here.

Good thing, too, because that swing was harder to watch than a high school production of Equis.


Well, I think that went really well after I stopped trying to give the count. It's kind of a fun change of pace for the audience not to know what the balls and strikes were. It's adds a sense of mystery to the proceedings.


Gabby: Yeah, like what's happening? Did that guy just say the numbers four and Nevin?
Jim: That was a great deal more blunt than it needed to be, wasn't it?

Do you mind if I drink in front of you? If it's a trigger for you, I can put it in a paper bag or just take nips in the bathroom...


Brockmire: My only triggers are dive bars and the movies of Christopher Nolan.
Jules: That's right! You threw a whiskey bottle at my TV during Interstellar!
Brockmire: Interstellar. You know, I just want to be told a story at the goddamned movie. I don't want to be taught a lesson in how to solve the puzzle of what the hell I'm watchin'.

Yeah, can I get a pint glass of chardonnay? I know you don't do that, but it just means you haven't done it yet. You see, it's simple. You fill a pint glass full of ice and then charge me for your finest bottle of Chardonnay. Pour that bottle into the glass until it hits the brim. Then keep the bottle handy because I'm gonna need a buzz to make it through this lunch.


Jules: You know how I always had a crush on Crocodile Dundee growing up.
Brockmire: Yes, well George is very Paul Hogan-esque, I'll give you that.

The point is that Bob Costas fucked me and didn't even have the courtesy to finger my ass first.

Brockmire: I hope you and George go out and just get drunk as two skunks tonight.
Jules: Mmm. Nuh uh. No. George is sober.
Brockmire: Sober as in serious, like in how you would describe a heartened pilgrim woman named Goodie who watched all of her children die?

HOOOW DARE YOU?! HOW DARE YOU DATE SOMEONE WHO IS SOBER WHO ISN'T ME! All this time I thought you were just too damaged to handle my sobriety, but now I see I was just too young for ya. Now I see you JUST WANTED TO FUCK YOUR DAD!

I was ready to kill the magical pig! What do you think I'm going to do to you?!


Brockmire Season 3 Quotes

Do you mind if I drink in front of you? If it's a trigger for you, I can put it in a paper bag or just take nips in the bathroom...


Brockmire: No wonder we get along so well. I'm one of those straight men who has always preferred the company of lesbians.
Gabby: Oh, you mean like a dyke mike?
Brockmire: Yes, exactly.
Gabby: No, I just made that up. What you're describing does not exist.