This is the step where my son Justin split his head open when he was wasted out of his mind. Out there is the swimming pool where my husband drowned on my daughter's birthday. Up there in the very first bedroom is where I'm nursing Kitty through chemo. It's the very same bedroom that Sarah stayed in when she was going through her divorce. In there is the living room where my son Kevin married his partner Scotty. So this is the box I live in. It's not med school but it's not playing it safe either.


Wait, is this a joke? Or does your OCD actually run on some sort of fuel that you're out of?


Kitty: Don't you have anything to say?
Robert: Yeah ... it's good to be home.

[to Kitty] I love you... for reasons that have nothing to do with your hair.


The fear of losing control is dangerous as the disease itself. Fear keeps us doubting instead of hoping. Looking down instead of up


At least before, when I felt sick, nobody knew I had a cancer, but now, everybody's gonna know.


Kitty, everyone who loves you -- when they look at you, all they see is you.


Come on! Listen! Picking out feelings in yourself that match some cancer profile -- it's like looking at the horoscope in the comics page. You know, it fits anybody.


Justin: Do you want to know what Doctor Walker thinks?
Rebecca: No.
Justin: Come on, I'm taking clinical diagnosis. Let me try. Let me try! Alright. (touches her forehead) Uhmm, no fever. Could it be Ojai food poisoning? (Rebecca snickers) or idiopathic wedding planitis.

Paige: Luc's your boyfriend, isn't he?
Sarah: Well, he is a friend, and yes, he's a boy. I met him in France, and after I got back, he decided to come see me.
Paige: I thought it was weird that there was a random French guy staying at grandma's house.

Rebecca: Paige, Cooper, you wanna go in the living room maybe?
Cooper: But I don't want to miss the fight.

Kevin: Remember that summer I spent in Oaxaca? I came back looking like I'd eaten an entire Backstreet Boy.
Scotty: I hope it wasn't Nick Carter. He's my favorite.

Brothers & Sisters Quotes

No, no. No 'Buts'. You're not allowed to give up. You're not allowed to give up because you believe in your gut that this is right. And besides, we've all inherited this absurd drive to make things that, that yes, they seem complicated and they're messy, but we can turn them into something great.


Do I at least get a cigarette and a chance to say my last words?
