Buffy: Look, Gwendolyn Post, or whoever she was... she had us all fooled, even Giles.
Faith: Yeah, well you can't trust people. I should've learned that by now.
Buffy: I realize this is gonna sound funny coming from someone that just spent a lot of time kicking your face, but you can trust me.
Faith: Is that right?
Buffy: I know I kept secrets, but I didn't have a choice. I'm on your side.
Faith: I'm on my side, and that's enough.

Giles: You must've known it was wrong, seeing Angel, or you wouldn't have hidden it from all of us.
Buffy: I was going to tell you. I was. It was just that I didn't know why he was back. I just wanted to wait.
Xander: For what? For Angel to go psycho again the next time you give him a “happy?”
Buffy: I'm not going to... look... we're not together like that.
Oz: But you were kissing him.
Buffy: You were spying on me? What gives you the right?!
Cordelia: What gives you the right to suck face with your demon lover again?
Buffy: It was an accident.
Xander: What? You just tripped and fell on his lips?
Buffy: It was wrong, okay? I know that and I know that it can't happen again. But, you guys have to believe me, I would never put you in any danger. If I thought for a second that Angel was gonna hurt anyone...
Xander: You would stop him? Like you tried the last time when he took down Miss Calendar?

I won't remind you that the fate of the world often lies with the Slayer. What would be the point? Nor shall I remind you that you've jeopardized the lives of all that you hold dear by harboring a known murderer. But, sadly, I must remind you that Angel tortured me... for hours... for pleasure. You should have told me he was alive. You didn't. You have no respect for me or the job I perform.


Willow: It'll be okay when we get to Giles.
Oz: Of course. I mean, even if he's sixteen, he's still Giles, right? He's probably a pretty together guy.
Willow: Yeah, well...
Oz: What?
Buffy: Giles at sixteen. Less 'together guy,' more 'bad magic, hates the world, ticking time bomb’ guy.

Giles: This is the SATs, Buffy, not connect the dots. Please pay attention. A low score could seriously harm your chances of getting into college.
Buffy: Gee, thanks. That takes the pressure right off.
Giles: This isn’t meant to be easy, you know. It’s a rite of passage.
Buffy: Well, is it too late to join a tribe where they pierce something... or cut something off?
Giles: Buffy, please concentrate.

Buffy: So Ethan, what are we playing? We're pretty much in a talk or bleed situation. Your call.
Giles: Hit him.
Ethan: I-I'd just like to point out that this wasn't my idea.
Buffy: Meaning?
Ethan: I'm subcontracting. It's Trick you want. I'm just helping him collect a tribute... for a demon.
Giles: He's lying. Go on hit him.
Buffy: I don't think he is and shut up.
Giles: You're my slayer. Go knock his teeth down his thro...
Buffy: Giles!
[She turns to Ethan]
Buffy: What demon?
Ethan: I don't remember.
[Buffy punches Ethan]
Giles: [He punches the air] Yes!

Willow: We can work on it tonight.
Xander: Work on what tonight?
Cordelia: Oh God, are we killing something again?!Buffy: Only my carefree spirit.
Oz: Buffy has SAT prep.
Willow: Oz’s helping. He’s the highest-scoring person...
Cordelia: We know! We’ve already done the impressed thing.
Xander: I hate they make us take that thing. It’s totally fascist, and personally I think it discriminates against the uninformed.
Cordelia: Actually, I'm looking forward to it. I do well on standardized tests.
[They all look at her]
Cordelia: What? I can't have layers?

I just thought, Homecoming Queen. I could pick up a yearbook someday and say, "I was there, I went to high school, I had friends and, for one moment, I got to live in the world." And there'd be proof; proof that I was chosen for something other than this. Besides, I look cute in a tiara.

Buffy: You really love Xander?
Cordelia: Well, he kinda grows on you, like... a Chia Pet.

Cordelia: After all that we've been through tonight, this whole 'who-gets-to-be-Queen-capade' seems pretty...
Buffy: Damn important.
Cordelia: Oh, yeah.

Xander: Okay, let's not say something we'll, uh, regret later, okay?
Cordelia: You crazy freak.
Buffy: Vapid whore.
Xander: Like that.

Buffy: Let’s just pretend for a second that Angel somehow found his way back to Sunnydale. What would he be like?
Giles: I really can’t say. From what is known about that dimension, it would suggest a world of brutal torment. And time moves quite differently there, so...
Buffy: I remember. So, he would have been down there for hundreds of years?
Giles: Yes.
Buffy: Of torture.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 3 Quotes

Xander: I can't wait to see Cordelia. I can't believe I can't wait to see Cordelia.
Willow: I wonder what our first homework assignment is gonna be.
[He raises his eyebrows]
Willow: Hey, you're excited over Cordelia, okay? We've all got issues.

Buffy: Hey Ken, wanna see my impression of Gandhi?
[Buffy bashes his head with a weapon]
Lily: Gandhi?
Buffy: Well, you know, if he was really pissed off.

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