Bull: If I said I missed you, would that be too real?
Diana: Just right.

You found somebody, somebody you're committed to. Some people can't even commit to a weekend, you know that?

You always talk dirty when you get stuck on an argument.

These are people who value function; you dress for fashion. You wear bright colors, they'll hate you. You wear weird cool fabrics, they'll hate you. Those socks are both. Loose 'em.


Bull: We're here to cross examine witnesses. Think of it as a sexier People's Court.
Marisa: With $20,000 dresses.

Marisa: What is Bull's psychological fashion profile?
Chunk: Cardigans, professional but not overt. He hides behind the suit. Dark colors, same look, every day.
Will: Stylish, gives him the ability to watch or be watched. A man for all seasons

Ah, Cable. You're trying to say you're counter cultural and unique, but the hipster effect, and it is a real thing, says that you really just look like every other hipster. Not so unique.

Everyone expresses their fashion whether we're aware of it or not. It's how we interact with the environment.


He knows how much Nella meant to you. He wants to make sure the right person goes down for the crime. Take it from me, you do too.


People are hard wired to gossip, it releases endorphins.

I don't talk about personal finance at work.


You are not a fool. You are a kind and beautiful woman whose kindness got taken advantage of.


Bull Season 1 Quotes

Bull: Rule #1: The client is the enemy.

Marisa: The client's here.
Bull: Tell me he didn't bring his lawyer.
Marisa: His five lawyers.