Woman: And why should we trust you? Someone who isn't even a mother?
Joanna: Another excellent question. Why should you trust someone who isn't a mother? (laughs).
Woman: This is funny to you?
Joanna: No. No, this isn't funny at all. It's just I'm pregnant. I don't know if I can be one. A mother. I don't even know if I want to be one. I am standing in a room full of reasons not to be, and that terrifies me. But this isn't about me, although I've kind of turned things that way. I'm sorry. This isn't how I intended to do this. Any of this. I cannot imagine how difficult it must be to be a parent. And I know that you didn't do what they said you did. So let's make this about getting you justice and bringing your children home.

Taylor: I forgot how small this town was. Why can't you ever run into people you like.
Diane: Because if you like someone, you're supposed to go out and find them. And apologize.
Taylor: Apologize?
Diane: I'm just guessing that we're talking about Luna. Look whatever you did, or think you did, it's not as easy to break a connection as you think.
Taylor: Has anyone ever told you how good you are at what you do?
Diane: Yes. It's always nice to hear it again.

My name is Hank and I'm addicted to everything. I've been clean for, uh, seven days. The last time I used I was with my son, Billy here. I hadn't seen him in a lot of years. And I had to go and screw it up all over again. I don't know if I'll ever forgive myself for that.


Kodie: You tell me to stay strong and be brave but I'm here all alone.
Joanna: You aren't alone in this Kodie. So many other mothers have gone through this and it's time for us to bring them into this fight. We are gonna force the courts to hear us because we'll be too loud for them not to. We're gonna certify as a class action.

Hank: You haven't been calling me back.
Billy: Yeah, that's how ignoring people works.
Hank: I heard you might be going after Cleardawn Labs.
Billy: Wait, how do you know that?
Hank: This is Millwood kid, everybody knows everything.

Eric: How can you tell if an addict's lying? Her lips are moving.
Luna: You know, they uh, they make that same joke about lawyers.

Billy: Speaking of fatherhood ... Look, I just wanna know how I can support you on this.
Joanna: (Phone Rings) Joanna Chang.
Billy: It's like you plan these.

Luna: She's giving us more grunt work.
Kat: Yeah, because if you haven't noticed, we're the grunts babe.

Joanna: Doctor, I just have one more question. Do you think that I should proceed with this pregnancy?
Doctor: Well, what do you want?
Joanna: I want to get back to work.

Joanna: How long can a person work in this condition?
Doctor: It's a pregnancy. We haven't called it a condition since the fifties, but, it really depends.
Joanna: Depends on what?
Doctor: Depends on the pregnancy and the person. There's a lot of personal hereditary factors.
Joanna: Do any of those hereditary factors include mental illness?
Doctor: Yes. Some.
Joanna: What about sociopathic tendencies? Yeah, that's just my side. His side's riddled with mental illness, garden variety addiction. So, we're pretty much screwed, right?

Billy: I am never having kids.
Joanna: I'm pregnant.

Luna: You sent me to Millwood Police Station, where I was falsely arrested.
Joanna: You think I was being insensitive. You think I was only thinking about the case. I knew how hard it would be for you to ever come back here. That you wouldn't do it without a push. You are one of the strongest people I know Luna. I knew you could do it. If I didn't believe in you I wouldn't waste my time.
Luna: Thank you.
Joanna; And now you know you can come home.
Luna: So you're saying you did this for me and not for the case? Maybe both?
Joanna: You can head back if you want. But do you remember what you said to me when you found out we were sisters? It was stay. You asked me to stay.

Burden of Truth Season 3 Quotes

Juries like blue. Brings out your eyes


Joanna: We want the jury to think this could happen to them.
Billy: Play on their fear.
Joanna: But not too hard or we'll lose them. Stay likable.
Billy: I am likable.
Joanna: Jury's still out, Crawford.
Billy: I'm more likable than you.
Joanna: Well, that is a very low bar.