It meant a lot to me when you told me it was okay to be overwhelmed, No one ever told me that. You've been more of a mom to me in the last month than my mom was my whole life.


Skid marks don't lie.

Billy's dad

Joanna: We are going to fail at this if we don't let her cry it out.
Billy: Parenting isn't really a pass-or-fail thing.
Joanna: You're too soft.
Billy: You're too rigid.
Joanna: Well, she's going to sleep with us until she's 36.

Dee: Where am I supposed to go?
Taylor: I'm going to help you figure that out, okay?

It's an unlawful eviction, and if you don't give her immediate access to her apartment, we'll have to bring an action against you.


I used to be the Music Man's lawyer. I don't want that to happen to Millwood.


Helen: It's about you and your baby, not a bunch of mean moms.
Joanna: It's just like the girls in high school.

When you protect the land, so shall you protect its daughters.


Burden of Truth Season 4 Quotes

Helen: It's about you and your baby, not a bunch of mean moms.
Joanna: It's just like the girls in high school.

When you protect the land, so shall you protect its daughters.
