You used to be so cute, Castle!


Undercover. I like it. You might want to pop another button just in case.

So an ex gambler dumps his life savings on an ex con/ex bookmaker and ends up ex'd out.

He's an incredibly dedicated zombie.

We better close the beaches. No boating accident, Chief Brody, Hooper. Seriously?

Maybe she was killed by an alien, just an illegal alien.

Castle, just prove that ET did this, please.


Castle: I believe the word you're looking for is probed.
Benny Stryker: We didn't choose this, we were chosen.

Wow, she looks like an overstuffed sausage.

What is life without challenges?

Alexis: I'm a rat killer.
Castle: You don't know that, you may just be a loser.

Speaking of rats, I have to go.

Castle Season 3 Quotes

He really is ruggedly handsome.

Ryan (looking at cutout of Castle)

Ryan: (drops egg off desk)
Beckett: Are you guys reenacting the "Humpty Dumpty crime scene?"