Jay: Sometimes you gotta do things you don't wanna do. That's life.
Will: No. Screw the task force, screw Voight, and screw you.

I need my refill. What is the big deal? I'm a lawyer with great insurance, not some junkie off the street. Or worse, some hombre that probably can't even speak the language.


Will: I said no.
Voight: That's the wrong answer.

April: It's just a number, right? Does it really matter?
Ethan: No. Not if Emily acted like an adult instead of a twelve-year-old.
April: You mean like how you're acting right now?

Sharon: I really appreciate you putting on the charm.
Connor: Ms. Goodwin, you built me Xanadu. I would sing and dance for you if you wanted me to.
Sharon: I'm gonna hold you to that.

Emily: You're not coming?
April: Greetings are done, nobody ran. You don't need me anymore.

Connor: Look...I am sorry I threw you out of my OR. It was a mistake. It was inexcusable. So how about a peace offering? I'll buy you a drink.
Ava: I don't care about you throwing me out. What I can't stand is you acting so stupidly. Willing to destroy your program in service of arrogance and your ego. So go enjoy your victory, but I don't want any part of it.

April: It's just unfortunate that you can't give anyone a break.
Ethan: Me? You know, I can't win with you. You disapproved when I was tough on Emily, then you walked out when I took her in, and now you're mad at me for telling her how to use a microwave so she doesn't burn my apartment down. I'm not the problem here, April, you are.

That's how Canaryville works; you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.


Our job, in fact, is to treat our patients to the best of our ability while honoring their cultural, spiritual, and religious beliefs.


Daniel: She's holding onto a very strong belief, but other than that she seems entirely reasonable.
Esla: Reasonable? She thinks God is going to save a fetus with a 0% chance of survival. That's delusional.
Daniel: In my experience, it's not always so easy to figure out where belief ends and delusion begins.

Sharon: You didn't consult me on this.
Gwen: It seems to be your mission to fight me on everything. Until that changes, I'm going to be making some decisions unilaterally.

Chicago Med Season 4 Quotes

Patient: You a doctor?
Terry: Medical student.
Patient: Hmm. You're a big guy. What's the matter, couldn't play football?

Conor: Why don't you just admit it? You're going to miss me.
Ava: Miss the most egotistical, ambitious, and arrogant man I've ever met? Hardly.