We got to figure this shit out.

Desna [to Bryce]

You think everyone is the one. That's your problem. You keep shapeshifting for all the women in your life.

Polly [to Ken]

Are now that girl is poison.


Tony: Slow your roll, partner.
Bryce: Slow my roll? You got a lot of nerve sayin' that when you're pumping my wife like an oil derrick.

Eve: Don't worry. Dean has told me a lot about your past. We all have one.
Desna: I appreciate that. But picking at my old mistakes is not something I want to get into right now.

We're just a bunch of messed-up puppets, aren't we?

Jenn [to Virginia]

Polly: That is some cloudy tea.
Desna: Well, I was about to sip it myself.

And the train goes off the rails.


So I killed Georgia, my friend, for nothing!


I was so caught up in my shit I didn't realize [Jenn] was in trouble.


Eve: Who knew there was so much virility hiding behind those high-waisted sweatpants?
Dean: Mystery can be an aphrodisiac.

Lori: That's disappointing.
Desna: Life is full of disappointments.

Claws Season 4 Quotes

I'm on somewhat of a depression fast because my man decided to leave me for his beige-cardigan wife.


Desna: I spoke to Uncle Daddy.
Jenn: And ...
Desna [shouting]: We gettin' off like O.J.