Fuchs: Is it Connors. Do you think he has more to do with it?
[She eats the pancakes]
Brigid: These are good.
Fuchs: Yeah?! There’s more where that came from.
Brigid: Really?
Fuchs: I like making my girlfriend pancakes.
Brigid: I’m your girlfriend?
Fuchs: You are eating the pancakes.
[She stops eating]
Brigid: I want to take down Connors.
Fuchs: No... we are.

Tandy: Daddy, are you there?
Nathan: I’m here pumpkin.
Tandy: I can’t believe it’s you.
Nathan: Why are you surprised? You see me every day.
Tandy: Not anymore.
Nathan: What do you mean?
Tandy: It’s just... that you’ve been working so much, I feel like I don’t get to see you. I miss it. I miss our talks, our long car rides. I even miss your bad jokes.
Nathan: Well, I’m here right now. What do you want to talk about?
Tandy: It doesn’t matter. I just want to talk. Is that ok?
Nathan: Absolutely.
Tandy: Tell me about your day.
Nathan: You don’t want to hear about all that boring science stuff, do you?
Tandy: Yeah, I do. I really do. I promise.

Tyrone: Is this a normal thing for you?
Tandy: What?
Tyrone: Sneaking into a hospital with someone in a coma.
Tandy: Not a coma, catatonic. Eight years ago they pulled a dozen bodies off the rig that exploded. Only one of them is still alive.
Tyrone: Eight years ago as in?
Tandy: The night my father crashed off the bridge.
Tyrone: That explosion on the rig is what made Connors pulled the trigger.
Tandy: It also put the vacant sign on Dr. Hess here.
[She waves in front of Ivan’s face]
Tandy: See...
Tyrone: You are into some messed up s***.

Tyrone: Tandy? Tandy... Tandy, where are we?
Tandy: I don’t know. Ty. What’s wrong with that guy?
Tyrone: Don’t worry, he can’t see or hear us.
Tandy: Ty!
[The man swings a wrench and Tandy stabs him with the dagger]
Tandy: That guy just tried to kill us!
Tyrone: So, clearly he saw us. The rules here must be different.
Tandy: What the hell is going on?!
Tyrone: The worst that could happen.
[Another crazed individual walks by]
Tyrone: We have to get out of here!

Ivan: “Eye of newt, toe of frog, wool of bat, and leg of dog.”
Mina: Tongue, Dad. The quote is “tongue of dog,” not leg.
Ivan: Is that the reason why my witch’s brew never works?
Mina: That, and magic doesn’t exist.
Ivan: Well, what do you call turning flour, sugar, and water into that?
[He points at the cookies]
Mina: Delicious chemistry.

Fuchs: Not asking questions has been my thing because you’ve made it clear that you don’t want them asked.
Brigid: And I like that about you.
Fuchs: Be prepared to like me less.
[Awkward silence]
Fuchs: People in this city turn a blind eye and deaf ear to things out of convenience. And the people in this station house are people too, but you are forcing them to pay attention,
Brigid: Well, that’s kinda the point.
Fuchs: I know you know whose attention you’re coming after.
Brigid: And what? You reckon that it won’t work?
Fuchs: No, I’m concerned that it might. Connors is flammable. Don’t play with fire.

Clarisse: I’ve been turning these cards over ever since my Nana taught me all those times ago. And these two positions always scared me the most. And this time is no different. I was hoping this cycle would break pattern for your boy, but it’s the same as it was for the others.
[She blows out a candle]
Evita: What is it, Aunty?
Clarisse: One will live. And one will die.

Tyrone: You’re gonna do your hope thing on her?
Tandy: Use what you got, right? You can too.
Tyrone: I can what?
Tandy: Use people’s nightmares against them. Maybe you can get some leverage on this kid with the gun? Steal his job.
Tyrone: I guess we’re both out for different lives.
Tandy: The further adventures of the scientist and the criminal. [Mouth pop]

Evita: So, we’re doing a reading?
[Shuffles cards]
Clarisse: How go things with that boy of yours?
Evita: He’s not mine.
Clarisse: He’s yours enough.
Evita: Is this your way of having the talk? Because you’re kinda predicting the past.
[She spits water from a bottle]
Clarisse: This reading aint for you. It’s for this city of ours.
Evita: What’s wrong with the city?
Clarisse: S*** goes down from time to time.
[They cleanse with water]
Clarisse: I aint smelling sex on you, but a connection to a power. A power I felt in that boy.
Evita: What does Tyrone have to do with anything?
Clarisse: I don’t know yet, that’s what the reading is for.

Tyrone: What are you doing at a Roxxon event?
Tandy: Digging. Trying to find the mystery man at the center of everything.
Tyrone: When you say “dig,” do you mean root around in people’s heads?
Tandy: Why do you care?
Tyrone: I’m here because of you. You’ve been experimenting. Alright, with your hope-y touchy thing.
Tandy: Why? Why does that matter?!
Tyrone: It matters because you checked too many books out of the library. You and I are connected, and because you’re using your s***, mine has been going haywire all night and it’s your fault.

My father worked for Roxxon since he was out of college. When he had an accident, Roxxon paid my bills, put me through school, and helped me continue Dad’s work of finding energy from under the earth that was actually good for what was on top of it. My name is Mina Hess, and I’m working with Roxxon Gulf to save the world.


Evita: You are so dense.
Tyrone: What are you talking about?
Evita: I know.
Tyrone: You know what?
Evita: What you did... with that ref... and the other team. I told you. I paid attention.
[She opens up her jacket to reveal a bra]
Evita: I know who you are.
[They kiss]

Cloak and Dagger Quotes

Tandy: Are you trying to kill me?
Tyrone: No! Why would you ask that?!
Tandy: Because you have a gun in your hand.
[Awkward silence]
Tandy: Wait, you’re that kid...from the party. The graveyard. The beach. You shot at me!
Tyrone: That wasn’t meant for you.
Tandy: Then who was it meant for?!

Brigid: I’m not here to arrest your daughter, Ms. Bowen. I’m here because I think she’s a victim.
Melissa: With what?
Brigid: The best I can tell is that she’s been mixed up in an assault. I want to protect her; I can promise you that. But, in order for me to do that, I need to talk to her.
Melissa: Here’s the thing about Tandy. If there’s any heat on her, she’s probably already run away.