Joy: Everyone's going to think it's my own fault.
Malaya: No. No. You did nothing wrong.
Joy: I'm just a slut who got drunk at a party.
Malaya: Let me tell you something, Joy. You fought back.

You are exactly the right doctor to care for her. Nobody else knows her situation like you do. So use your memories to help her. But don't get lost in them.

Leanne [to Malaya]

You know what? Maybe I will stick around, just to piss off Campbell.


You know why they call me "Mama?" Because I'm the caretaker. I take care of my own. And now you're one of my own. Like it or not.

Jesse [to Ethan]

Angus: You did good work back there.
Elliot: You, too. Should we, like, high-five or hug or something?
Angus: No.

I'm your mother. I love you no matter what stupid mistakes you make.


She's your patient, Dr. Dixon. This is how we learn emergency medicine. In the middle of emergencies.


Campbell: Are you removing a spleen in the ER?
Ethan: Yeah, we thought her dying in the elevator wasn't the best way to go.

EMT: You know this guy?
Mario: No. He's my father.

Floods? Earthquakes? Landslides? L.A. is uninhabitable.


Ethan: It's been two weeks and I can't stop thinking about Charlotte. You expect that kind of thing in war, but...
Jesse: But an American city in 2016? Is there a difference?

Jesse: I mean, seriously, why you keep bringing up this thing about you leaving?
Ethan: 'Cause I don't want you to get too attached, sweetheart.

Code Black Quotes

Life Lesson. When asked if you want to examine your patient some more, it's like being asked if you want a breath mint. The answer is always yes.

Jesse Salandar

We're not their friend, their family, or their shrink. We're their doctor. He gets confused.

Dr. Leanne Rorish