Ross: Hashtagworklife. Hashtagmyoffice.
Liam: Hashtaggivemeyourphone. Come on.

Liam: I was in the military.
Ross: Oh. You never told me that.
Liam: I don't really like to talk about it.
Ross: Maybe talking about it would help. Come on. My dad's dead, alright. It's messing me up.
Liam: Yeah. Did you wanna talk about it?
Ross: Nope.
Liam: See.
Ross: Yep.
Liam: Okay. Ready to do some heavy lifting.
Ross: Yeah. Yeah, like men. Like dudes not having any feelings. I'm just bonding with you man, come on.

McAvoy: Don't destroy my evidence, young buck.
Dr. Allen: Don't be fooled by my youthful glow Detective, I know what I'm doing.

Jenny: I screwed up.
McAvoy: What?
Jenny: Amanda. I've been trying to get her on the phone since the apiary.
McAvoy: That's not your job. That's police work.
Jenny: She asked me to protect her. She was scared. She said she wanted to come home with me.
McAvoy: You followed protocol. You learn soon enough, in this job, there are a lot of stray cats.
Jenny: She's a young girl.
McAvoy: You know what I mean. You can't take all of them home. All right, Cat Lady? Or should I say Dr. Cat Lady?

McAvoy: Only your first month and all these bodies.
Jenny: Yeah, lucky me.

Jenny: I have a son.
Amanda: Is he cute?
Jenny: He has a boyfriend.
Amanda: Then he is cute. And probably funny too.

Ross: I totally stanned him. Um, yeah, "Love the book. Save the world dude. #thankyoufornotwritingaboutzombies."
Jenny: Okay, just um, stop it. And don't ... just un-stan him. Or if he responds, don't stan back.
Ross: Okay. That's not how you use the word stan though, but ...

I've never met a coroner before. I thought you'd all be old and creepy. Sorta like I thought all detectives would have trenchcoats and drinking problems.


Matteo: Are you depressed?
Ross: Obviously.
Matteo: All right, so let's go for a run. Or a hike. Or swim, in that stream you got.
Ross: Yeah? And then let's do push-ups, sit-ups. Trig homework. Biology. World History. Undergraduate Studies, and then years and years of med school after that. You know, my dad did, and now he's dead. So I don't really see the point.
Matteo: So, do nothing, then? That's it?

McAvoy: Okay. Computers and a really bad cut. Do you have anything more to link the two?
Jenny: William Webber died the same night that Gideon Kamau went missing.
McAvoy: Okay. That's more.

Loni: I convinced the department to pay for him and his wife. Oh my god, his wife? How is she?
Jenny: Not great.
Loni: Understandable. Considering the police tried to make her believe he was a thief.
Jenny: A thief?
Loni: The night he disappeared there was a robbery.
Jenny: And what was taken?
Loni: Obsolete computer equiptment from the storage room.

Jenny: We have five minutes until Dr. Kamau's class.
McAvoy: You don't have to be here at all.
Jenny: Yeah, well, I wanna be.
McAvoy: Technically, you're doing my gig.
Jenny: Karmically, I'm here for the wife. The lab called last night with DNA results. I was on the phone for over an hour listening to her cry.
McAvoy: Next time, finish dinner, then call.
Jenny: The only reason she's still in Canada was because she thought you were going to find her husband alive.
McAvoy: We looked for him.
Jenny. Not hard enough. You screwed up.

Coroner Season 1 Quotes

Jenny: Go change the baby.
Taylor: You know I'm a detective, right?
Jenny: That's how I know you can find the diapers.

Dr. Peterson: She convulsed when she hanged
Jenny: She was actually suspended and her shoes were on when I found her so, I don't think so.
Dr. Peterson: You don't think so?
Jenny: I had an instinct.
Dr. Peterson: How can you have instincts when you don't know anything?
Jenny: I'm s- I'm sorry, what?
Dr. Peterson: They're called guesses. What you're doing is guessing. I've been a pathologist for 20 years and before this, you were what, a GP?
Jenny: I was an ER doctor.
Dr. Peterson: I stay competent year after year and the coroners just get younger and more, but how bout this, I will write up my findings and then you can sign off on them, okay?