I take the blame for what happened. Hear me, Jason. I take the blame for what happened. You came back and we were not prepared. We were not prepared for you to be as unwell as you are.


I'm just trying to help you remember the brilliant man that you are and this incredible thing that you credited.

Leighton [to Jason]

Gabriela: It feels like you're trying to sleep with me.
Jason2: I am definitely trying to sleep with you.
Gabriela: But this full seduction thing ... it's been a minute.

Leighton: How'd it go?
Amanda: How did lying to the police go? Smashing. Super great.

Leighton: Did you tell [Gabriela] or anyone about this place?
Jason1: I don't know what this place is.

How do you sweep three missing people under the rug?

Jason1 [to Leighton]

Amanda: Reviewing your work?
Jason1: This is like forgetting everything about yourself then reading your own biography.

Jason2: What is this?
Gabriela: You were amazing tonight.

Dark Matter (2024) Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

I'm just trying to help you remember the brilliant man that you are and this incredible thing that you credited.

Leighton [to Jason]

I take the blame for what happened. Hear me, Jason. I take the blame for what happened. You came back and we were not prepared. We were not prepared for you to be as unwell as you are.
