Five: The good news is that we got the right file, because it has Ferrous military-grade encryption.
Adrian Maro: What’s the bad news?
Five: It has Ferrous military-grade encryption!

You have something to say, Teku? You have some advice to offer on how to run *my* Empire?!


Tomorrow’s a new day. I hope.


Android: Please tell me. What awaits us?
Future Five: So much… Dwarf Star’s conspiracy, the double deception, Crida, Carina, the accelerated, the fall of the House of Ishida. The meeting with your creator. The black ships.
Android: What does it all mean?
Future Five: Not a happy ending for everyone, but positive result for the rest of the galaxy.

Three: Y’know, uh… I know you’re upset Six is gone, and I’m upset seeing you upset, and I wish there was something I could say to make it alright. I really do.
Five: That… actually makes me feel a little better.

Three: Y’know, if there’s one thing being caught in this time loop has taught me -- besides French, that is -- it’s that you can’t stay stuck in the bad moments. Because if you work hard enough at it, you can turn things around. You’ve got the power to change things.
Five: ...Are you *serious*? That’s supposed to make me feel *better*?

Look. I realize this is a little hard to believe, but come on, guys! I’ve been possessed by an alien, we’ve all met alternate reality versions of ourselves. In the scheme of things, not that big a stretch. We are caught in a time loop, people. Deal with it.


Three: I have an idea.
Android: Does it involve me being a co-conspirator in a plot to plant a human fingernail in Two’s dinner?

Three: Okay! I’m gonna need you to tell me something about yourselves, something that no one else could possibly know.
Adrian Maro: Why?
Three: So that later, when I reveal your secrets, you’ll be amazed at how I could possibly know!
Solara: Uh, *no*, no, we won’t, because we will have *told* you!
Three: But you’re not gonna remember telling me!
Adrian Maro: Why won’t we remember telling you?
Three: Look, I don’t have time to explain! [beat] No, in fact that’s not true. I have a lot of time. But I would prefer not to because you would not believe me. So… give it up. Deep dark secrets. Let’s go.

Two: You’re just having a case of deja vu.
Three: Only, in this case, it’s deja *do*, over and over and over again.

Two: How did you know my holster was behind my nightstand?
Android: And how did you know it wasn’t a faulty relay switch?
Three: I knew because your holster is *always* behind your nightstand, and it’s *never* a faulty relay switch.

Solara: Are you *drunk*?!
Three: Nope!
Solara: ...Isn’t that one of Tabor’s bathrobes?
Three: Maybe…

Dark Matter Season 3 Quotes

Two: We could be off getting fat and rich robbing this galaxy blind--
Three: That was *my* vote.

Commander Truffaut: Now, working together, these satellites can create what's called an Aslinov Exclusion Field. Which, for those of you [looks pointedly at Three] who might not be aware--
Three [matter-of-factly]: --can disrupt an FTL window.
Commander Truffaut: ...That's right.