I don't think I want to feel anything until I'm Alicia.


no one but me thinks. That is the problem.


I think that this job is not good for me.


Who cares what he heard, we're eating.


Plum: I don't want to be a glamazon. I just want to get on an airplane and not have to apologize to the person I sit next to. I want to go to a bar and get hit on by some bald guy, and I want us to argue whether said bald guy is actually into me or whether he just wants to get laid.
Steven: I know.
Plum: You don't, Steven! You can't! Going off Y, I got my feelings back, and it made me remember why I wanted 'em gone.

Everyday I walk around in this skin people look at me like I have the plague. They act like I'm a stain. They stare and laugh and yell, and worst of all, they tell me I have such pretty face and then they lecture me on how I can fix my body because how I am is wrong.


Dietland Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

It sounded like a woo-wood version of Waist Watchers.


The new Baptist plan actually isn't about deprivation, it's about being kinder to yourself.
