Cliff: What about you? What are you going to do now?
Kay: I don’t know. Um, maybe get a sublet? Paint?
Cliff: That is so fucking lame! I’m serious. You’re like unstoppable now. You could be a superhero or some shit. Take over the Justice League. Pants Superman.
Kay: I don’t think that’s what we want.

As lame as it sounds, a sublet and painting feels like the right move for now. And who knows? Maybe something else will come along that will feel even righter. Whatever I do, it’s not just up to me anymore. It’s up to all of us.


We may all be fractured, but doesn’t mean we can’t be whole.


That’s the story of my life. I come. I do damage. And I run. That’s what I do.


Rouge: Do you think someone can be both good and bad?
Vic: I used to think that there were no shades of gray. Only black and white. But being here has done a lot to change my perspective. I learned that the line between the two can be razor-thin. Hard to spot sometimes. Even harder to toe.
Rouge: How will I know where the line is?
Vic: I’ll let you know when you’ve gone too far.

I’m sorry, Clara. I thought I was coming home to live, but I think I just came home to die.


Doom Patrol Season 4 Episode 12 Quotes

Rita: You just left them?
Rouge: Yeah, just ran away. Just like the future said I would. Because I survive at all costs. That’s what I have always fucking done!
Rita: No. I refuse to accept that. As long as we’re alive, we can change. You’re a shapeshifter, for crying out loud. You of all people should know that.
Rouge: I’m a selfish coward. That seems to be the one thing I can’t shapeshift away.

Larry: So, what’s first? Immortus or Butts?
Rouge: No, no, no, no. No, no, NOOO! [turns into a bird and flies away]
Cliff: Hey! Fleeing isn’t one of the options! Goddammit.
Immortus: You’re back? How?
Vic: Might as well start with the screaming time god.