Young Larry: How do you think it feels to be the worst memory of someone's life?
Larry: You're not the worst. There are others far worse than you.
Young Larry: Then why am I here?
Larry: You're the day I committed to lying to myself. What?
Young Larry: I got news for you. I'm from the day that you hid from love. That's why you secretly like those bandages. They give you an excuse to keep people away. You're afraid you don't know how to love. You think you're not worthy of it.
Larry: Maybe you are the worst memory of my life.

Cliff: You seriously want to spill our shit?
Human Cliff: No, I don't. But, then I saw Larry holding hands with himself and it was really fucking nice. So fuck it.

Young Larry: Are they right?
General Tony: Who?
Young Larry: The Sisterhood of Dada. Is it important for me to know why there's a General Tony in Vic's subconscious? Cause maybe it is. Maybe knowing will move us forward.
General Tony: K. Why does Larry's sub stare out the window?
Young Larry: None of your goddamn business.

Kay: Everything you do just brings me more pain. And it's time for me to grow up and be on my own.
Muppet Jane: No. You can't survive without me.
Kay: I'd like to try.

Young Larry: So the plan is we just stew in our own shit and the world is saved? Because that's pretty evil.
Rita: [gasps] Oh no, evil? Hardly. Ambitious, maybe. Pretentious. But, evil? No, evil is the scourge that calls herself Madame Rouge.

Human Cliff: Can I skip this? I'm pretty comfortable with my shame.
Young Larry: I think she's saying that's the problem.

I've always been invisible to you. See me. Listen to me. This is not who I was born to be. Can't you hear me?


Human Cliff: Gotta say. You look worse than I thought.
Robot Cliff: That's your hello?

What kind of Captain Kangaroo, Jim Henson devilry is this?

Jane Muppet

What you're experiencing is the Eternal Flagellation, the Sisterhood of Dada's artistic experience that is going to bring the world to its knees.


Just wait a minute. This is not what we do. I'm his sub. I don't clean up messes. I create messes.

Human Cliff

Hammerhead Muppet: Here's the deal. We're in Kay's subconscious
Jane Muppet: I thought we're always in Kay's subconscious.
Hammerhead Muppet: Do I have a Ph.D. in subconscious shit? How the fuck should I know? Point is, she's in control. She's a well-adjusted adult. NOT. And we're fucking puppets. So go with it.

Doom Patrol Season 3 Quotes

Dorothy: This isn't fair!
Candlemaker: No, dear girl. Not fair, but fate.

The girl is alone. The girl is small. The girl shivers and quakes. Here we are, dear girl, fated to collide where the very seeds of our destiny were sown. Where I began as a whisper, I am now a roar. And it is you who may briefly visit my world.
