[to Emily] I was up all night suturing oranges practicing for my gallbladder. Were you up all night practicing on your banana?


Emily: I would appreciate it if you wouldn't call me a bitch.
Patient: Sorry. Dr. Bitch.

Emily: Damon is...
Sophie: A douchebag.
Emily: Yeah. He really is.

Emily: Okay, now I'm nervous. Where'd the bat come from?
Will: My car.
Emily: Road rage, much?
Will: No, batting cages. When I'm pissed. I'm pissed.

Oh, well, we only just met Dr. Owens. You didn't think you knew everything about me, did you?


Thing--they're just not always what they seem. And sometimes answers only come when we change our perspective. Which works in science and math. Not as well with matters of the heart. Because the heart isn't rational. It doesn't listen to reason. And it doesn't give a crap what we want.

Tyra: You can't keep them apart forever.
Emily: No, not forever. Just until he realizes that she's a predator.
Tyra: Will can take care of himself.
Emily: No, he won't see it coming. She's camouflaged as a regular person.

Cassandra: Why are you stalking us? Are you scared I'm going to date your friend?
Emily: No.
Cassandra: You should be. I'm going to date your friend.

Tyra: She's been a bitch to you since the fifth grade.
Emily: You know, you're right. Screw it.

Emily: I thought I would have some time to think about it.
Micah: That's why I didn't tell you in advance.
Emily: Are you saying that I overthink?
Micah: You're overthinking.

Micah: Looking confident, Dr. Owens. Verging on ballsy, even.
Emily: I've never been called ballsy in my life.
Micah: It's a day of firsts.

[to Emily] My hand shook. I was in surgery and my hand shook, and when Gina sees me now that's what she thinks. How I might not be cut out for this. And I don't know what it is about you, but I just get, I just get really insecure. Whatever. It was wrong to take credit for your idea. And I'm sorry. Can I have a tissue?


Emily Owens, M.D. Quotes

Tyra: You've got your jocks, aka the orthopedic surgeons. Mean girls go into plastics. Your All-American, girl next door types, they're gonna be in OB. The true geeks, they're the neurologists. The rebels are in the ER. Stoners, anesthesia, and peds gets your sanctimonious church-goers.
Emily: How about us.
Tyra: Surgery's a melting pot, a little bit of everything, which basically means none of us get along.

I wasn't one of those kids who thrived in high school. I was geeky. Alright, I was very geeky...high school was rough. But, you know what got me through? The knowledge that I'd outgrow all those feelings of insecurity and in
