Drama: It's a well known fact that a girl on her period is much hornier.
Turtle: And there's no need for a raincoat!

Vince: Go easy on him, he's having a rough day.
Ari: What's wrong, E, what happened?
Vince: He's not getting any.
Ari: Oh no. You kidding me? Want me to get Lloyd in here and have him hari kari you with his pecker?

Can I please just buy you a blow job? It'd make both our lives a lot easier.


Yeah, and I want to fuck Angelina Jolie. The only difference is, I might actually have a shot


Ok. Here's an offer for you to star in a new Olsen twins movie. It's a love triangle in which little Mary Kate and Ashley use you as an experiment to see if you can actually tell if they are two separate, distinct people. This would be mildly amusing if the producer didn't think he had a realistic shot of getting you.


Drama: Vince, you ever go 3 months without pussy?
Turtle: Vince ain't ever gone 3 days.
Vince: No wait, that's not true... Sophomore year.
Turtle: Really?
Eric: Yeah, he had mono.

Turtle: Vince, I want his job. The guy's siting on easy street.
Eric: Turtle, please, you're like a three time lotto winner

Turtle: What the fuck we supposed to do?
Eric: Jerk each other off, you losers!

Drama: So, she wouldn't even blow you?
Turtle: Or give you a nice tug?
Drama: That's bullshit!

Had I shown up, and Kristen was missing a leg, I still would have taken care of business


Eric: So, your sayin you'd have sex with a girl on her period, Drama?
Turtle: Who wouldn't?
Vince: I've done it, it's not something I hope for.
Eric: You guys are disgusting

Aquaman baby!! It is Spider-man, under water. BOOM


Entourage Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

Ari: I thought the girlfriend was still in play.
Vince Aww, bad time of the month to come home.
Ari: Oh, you're like me.
Eric: Oh yea, how so?
Ari: I won't even fuck my wife after she plays tennis.

Before he did Born on the 4th of July, Tom Cruise did Top Gun. Hanks fucked the fish before he did Forrest Gump.
