I scratched the ISS, now they will never let me be an astronaut.


Carter: You did great.
Allison: My ass hurts.
Carter: I'll rub it later, you did great.

Great, we'll grab the IAG plug it into the BCE and everything will be A-OK.


Fargo: it says unknown caller, what do you think the roaming charges are in space?
Zane: Answer it!

Zane: Tell me that's not another oxygen leak.
Fargo: it's not another oxygen leak.
Zane: You're lying.
Fargo: Big time, we're screwed.

Zane: Looking good Loop-o. I mean the new place. A little small though. Didn't know you were building a Tardis house.
Jo: A what?
Zane: Big on the inside, tiny on the... never mind.

Jo: What'd ya do?
Fargo: I got rid of her. It's for the best. So... who wants breakfast?

Are you kidding? That was amazing! The first direct FTL flight of a vehicle-less life form? Oh I can't wait to tell everyone I know. Not that I know a lot of people. I'll have to write a paper. Maybe I'll call it "Beam Me Up"... or something less dated and more irreverent.


Andy [baby-talk to Jenna]Oh, there's Sheriff Carter and your big brother Kevin. He just perpetrated a code 503. That's grand theft auto. Yes it is!

You know, he's really quite sweet when he's not trying to destroy you.

Jo [to Holly about Fargo]

Fargo: If it wasn't for your stupid self-help tapes, none of us would be in this mess. I hope you're going to put that in your report!
Holly: First of all, tapes? Are we living in 1982? Second, what report?

Carter: What does a nanny have that I don't?
Allison: A PhD in early childhood development with an emphasis on organic nutrition.

Eureka Quotes

Carter: You sure this is not some sort of science-geek-ren-faire thing?
Allison: Well, either we are both having the same delusion or we are really stuck in 1947.

Carter: What does a nanny have that I don't?
Allison: A PhD in early childhood development with an emphasis on organic nutrition.