Olivia: I am never gonna be unfaithful to you, Mark.
Mark: We don't know what "never" means anymore.

If these flash forwards really are a window into the future, we've gotta do everything we can to use them to our advantage.


Mark: We gotta follow up on this.
Janis: Based on what, Mark, your Spidey sense?

If you're trying to prevent the future and save your marriage, the first step isn't keeping secrets from your wife and that's coming from a guy who's been divorced

Aaron [to Mark]

There's no statue of limitations on evil


That's the second time I blacked out this week

Zoe [after sleeping with Demetri]

You're the Shakespeare of cheesey Dad humor.


Mark is an alcoholic, Olivia. He doesn't need a reason to drink. He drinks because he drinks.


If you can't trust Mark, who can you trust?


Demetri: It sounds totally nuts: Nazis, dead birds, doll heads.

I got five months to live. I think that entitles me to blow off a little steam.


Mark [to Lloyd]: I can make this comfortable for everybody: you leave. You don't come back.

FlashForward Quotes

I didn't just lose consciousness; my consciousness went somewhere else.

Mark Benford

We've been saying people have been blacking out, but that wasn't my experience. More like a dream.

Mark Benford