Svetlana: You say you smoke to help your aches and pains? [Ed shows her his shaking hands] What’s wrong with them?
Ed: I don’t know.

Kelly: Yeah, maybe I shouldn’t have brought up my mom.
Aleida: Ya think?

Kelly: You know what? You’re full of shit. I remember when my mother first went to work for you. She told me she had never met someone so passionate about changing the world for the better. All your big plans to colonize Mars, the moons of Saturn, Jupiter? And now you’re, you’re holed up in Shangrila watching your bank accounts grow bigger and bigger, afraid to step foot outside of your house. What the hell happened to you?
Dev: You want to know what happened to me, Kelly? Your mother. She stabbed me in the back, but I’m grateful. I am because she pulled the wool from my eyes and helped me to see people for what they really are.

Kelly: You know what we should do? We should TP Hobson’s house. [laughs] I’m fuckin’ serious.
Aleida: I’m fuckin’ down!

Dude: Well, it sounds like he died a real hero.
Sam: No, no. He, he did it for the bonus. Money for his family. And now he’s maggot meat.

Right. No bucks, no Buck Rogers.


Conference room, commissary. What else you y’all got, a night club up here?


For the next two years of your life, you’ll be dealing with sand storms, dust devils, weak ass sun, and radiation. The water tastes like piss because it literally is recycled piss. The air outside’ll kill ya, and after 710 saws looking at the same damn faces over and over again, you might think that’s a blessing.


Ed: Hi, Bob.
Danielle: Hi, Bob.

  • Permalink: Hi, Bob.
  • Added:

Miles: Hey, uh, I’m sorry about what happened to your buddy.
Sam: Yeah, well, uh, Happy Valley will kick your ass if you let it.

Devils when they’re up; angels when they’re down.


Danielle: Ed Baldwin doesn’t listen to anybody.
Eli: Yeah, and that’s part of the problem. He has been XO up there a long time, set in his ways, you might say.