The man was murdered, shot in the back. Why do so many people have to suffer for him to get justice?


Sherwin: You were arrested for something you didn't deserve?
Aaron: Yes.
Sherwin: Then look me in the eye, Mr. Wallace, and tell me you didn't think something like that could happen.

Fifteen miles from the Bronx may as well be 1500. These cases do tend to tear at the fabric of our community. 


It must be hard being black and blue, especially these days. 


Masry: Aaron, if the judge thinks you're playing fast and loose, she'll throw out the charges.
Aaron: I'm not leaving any arrows in the quiver.

Aaron: All of those would've been submitted to the NYPD?
Henry: At least the six that were substantiated. What the department did with them, we still don't know.
Aaron: They buried them. Otherwise, that scumbag wouldn't still be on the streets.
Henry: Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the price of unchecked power.

Ronnie: Dammit!
Jazz: What's wrong?
Ronnie: They're calling Andy a "thug," like we don't know what that's code for.

Careful what you promise, Jazz. Whatever you say now, you're speaking for him, and he's in the hot seat. 


Sherwin, there is no justice in this world without sacrifice.


Aaron: You ever been handcuffed?
Lawyer: No. I have not. Aaron: Because if you had, you wouldn't shrug it off, like it's some harmless policy. And it's not. It's not.

Andy: You know the question I ask every day?
Aaron: What's that?
Andy: What the hell is their problem? I mean they got everything, but they're still on some genocide mess.
Aaron: We exist.

Aaron: PTSD is no joke. Trust me.
Marie: Any tips? 
Aaron: Lean on your family. Talk it through. Don't think you can tackle this alone. 

For Life Season 2 Quotes

Just know that it's you who got you where you are. Then caving right now? It means you won. Take that home with you and go meet your grandson.


I used to have a vision of what it would be like of seeing a jury declare my innocence in front of the world. Of finally stepping out of this place no longer a convinced drug kingpin. Just a man with his family but that was a long time ago before I knew what it would take. Before I knew how powerful the forces adding me really were and what they were willing to do going after my wife, threatening my friends, leveraging everything in my life against me. But what if that was just a fantasy? What if life doesn't really work that way? What if somehow I get my freedom and have to give up justice? Would I be willing to live with that? 

Aaron Voiceover