You were willing to make a martyr out of her to make a point?!


If I could have turned those nine and a half years into seven or even eight, I would. I would trade anything to not have lost that time.


I thought for sure you'd be the one saying we had to fight this.


You want to know what we're trying to do? Why don't you come to court and see for yourself.


If you win this, then you know what message you're going to send? That anyone who walks into a hospital and isn't happy with the standard of care can pull out a gun on me.


Marie: I found Darius' shoes in the garbage can.
Aaron: He doesn't live here anymore, so I threw them out.

You're acting like you made some deal with the devil when you know how important this case is to our community.


Marie: Thank you, for hearing me. I'm sorry about last night. I'm just scared, Aaron. I don't want to lose you.
Aaron: Oh, you won't. Not ever.

Yo, you're like a superhero in here, you know? Invisible man, Luke Cage, I can't believe you're not in here anymore.


Judge Wright: Well done, Mr. Wallace. I didn't know you would be practicing.
Aaron: I am.
Judge Wright: Well then I'll see you again.

Scottie: You can't fight me on everything.
Aaron: I won't. Only on the things that matter to me.

I gotta say I love the idea of us working full-time. I don't think it's selling out if that's your concern.


For Life Season 2 Quotes

Just know that it's you who got you where you are. Then caving right now? It means you won. Take that home with you and go meet your grandson.


I used to have a vision of what it would be like of seeing a jury declare my innocence in front of the world. Of finally stepping out of this place no longer a convinced drug kingpin. Just a man with his family but that was a long time ago before I knew what it would take. Before I knew how powerful the forces adding me really were and what they were willing to do going after my wife, threatening my friends, leveraging everything in my life against me. But what if that was just a fantasy? What if life doesn't really work that way? What if somehow I get my freedom and have to give up justice? Would I be willing to live with that? 

Aaron Voiceover