Now, that's what i'm talking about.


Henry: What exactly were you expecting?
Lucas: I dunno, Action?

How the hell should I know? I'm only 70 years old


I wish to purchase heroin


Jo: Wow, she seems upset.
Abe: He has that effect on people.

The good memories. Those are the ones that hurt the most,


Do not gloat, Henry.


Jo: I guess the only question is - how badly do you want to solve this murder?
Henry: Let me grab my scarf.

Abe: You look terrible.
Henry: Well thank you. Even an immortal needs a solid six houra.

Can you tell this moron that i'm here on official police business?


Sometimes I worry. I mean I think, who's gonna take care of you when I'm gone?


Your gonna break the window.


Forever Season 1 Quotes

Henry. You can learn a lot from a body. How a life was lived. What was their pain. Suffering Life experiences. Even i they were loved. But what a body can't tell you is why and for those left behind that seems to be the only question that matters,

My name is Henry Morgan. My story is a long one. It might sound a bit implausible. Infact, you probably won't belive it but i'll tell you anyway because beyond all else I have lots, lots of time.
