Frasier: So that’s how you see me then. My glory days behind me. A retired show pony milling about. Chewing cud in a pasture, one broken leg away from the cold shock of the farmer’s shotgun.
Freddy: See, you get it.

Good for you, Frasier. I’ve always admired your dewy-eyed optimism, you know, even though love’s been punching you in the face for the last, what, three decades.


I must say, we are clicking like a couple of frisky cicadas.

Frasier: This is a big joke. Does anything actually matter to you?
Alan: I can think of two things I actually care deeply about. My cat and you.
Frasier: I was sure you were going to say Scotch.
Alan: I know I can be flippant about things and that you've had to pay the price, so I'm sorry if I've mucked things up again.

I can’t believe I’m having such a hard time fitting in at Harvard. It’s kind of hard to fall back on the old line, "They’re just intimidated by your intellect."

Freddy: No! Oh my God. You're a teenager. She's almost 30. Her boyfriend died barely a year ago. She has a baby you're not even allowed to hold.
David: A baby I'm afraid to hold.

Frasier: This place is so stuffy. I love it.
Alan: It's like the sort of place you retire to after a long day of hunting man.

Freddy: I'm Mr. July in the firefighters' calendar. I'm a man in uniform with a full head of hair. I carry women out of burning buildings. Do you think they just want to shake my hand after?
Eve: Ooh, big talk coming from the guy sitting at home reading Little Women.
Freddy: I'd like to see you try coming of age during the Civil War.

Freddy: David, tonight I'm going to teach you how to strike up a conversation with a real, live human woman. That's right. I am going to give you the gift of game.
Eve: Loser. Okay, you know what? I'm going to stay and help.
David: Really? How many girls have you kissed?
Eve: More than you, babe.

Why am I so bad at this when my father was such a ladies' man?


Frasier: You know, when I was back in Boston, I used to be a regular at a bar, and yet…
Alan: Nobody knew your name?

Alan: I lied about the door being locked.
Frasier: What? You mean the door's been unlocked all this time?
Alan: No, no. Have a look. There isn't a door.
Frasier: You've locked me in a room without a door!

Frasier Quotes

Alan: And how are things between you two? I remember how tense it was when he dropped out of Harvard.
Frasier: All these years later, I still don’t get it, but he’s forging his own path, and I support that.
Alan: And I believe you. Oh, look, now we’re both liars.

Alan: I still can’t believe how big TV personality Frasier Crane walks away from his talk show.
Frasier: It was time. I told them get off your knees and stop begging. I’m already out the door.
Alan: And things with Charlotte?
Frasier: She told me the same thing. But it was for the best. After 20 years in Chicago, It was time for George Bailey to get that old bag out of the closet and see the world.