... Because every night when I go to sleep, I dream that I can walk again. And every morning, I wake up, and I have to accept it all over again. And then you walk in here, all smiles, acting like nothing’s wrong. And it’s killing me!

Jason Street

Tim: To Mr. and Mrs. Saracen, cheers!
Matt: I think you're the first one to say that.

Hey, how about Matt Saracen sleeping with Coach's daughter!


Mr. Street: Does God love football?
Jason Street: I think everybody loves football.

Coach Taylor: [to Matt] I don't want you resting on your laurels, you understand me?
Jason: You don't have any laurels, Saracen.
Coach: Not a damn one.

Tim: Motel's right up here, but I figure we can get a drink first. Unless of course that's against your religion Garrity.
Lyla: That's very funny, Tim.

Life is so very fragile. We are all vulnerable. And we will all at some point in our lives fall. We will all fall. We must carry this in our hearts. That what we have is special.

Eric Taylor

Let's touch God this time boys. Let's touch God.

Tim Riggins

I'm thinking about starting a Christian speed metal band. Are you in?


I know I'm far from the most talented player on this team, but it seems to me that we can either win together, or we can lose alone. And I just want to say it's an honor and a privilege to be here with y'all.


Tyra Collette: "What's the big deal?"
Tami Taylor: "The big deal is it's part of my job, to make sure that you don't grow up stupid. It's bad for the world."

You've been very angry lately Luke, you need a hug? Some love?


Friday Night Lights Quotes

"When Jason Street went down the first game of the season, everybody wrote us off. Everybody. And yet here we are at the championship game. Forty thousand people out there have also written us off. But there are a few out there who still believe in you."

Eric Taylor

We will all at some time in our lives, fall. Life is so very fragile, we are all vulnerable, and we will all at some point in our lives, fall, we will all fall.
We must carry this in our hearts, that what we have is special, that it can be taken from us, and that when it is taken from us, we will be tested. We will be tested to our very souls. We will all be tested.
It is these times, it is this pain, that allows us to look inside ourselves.

Eric Taylor

Friday Night Lights Music

  Song Artist
Muzzle of Bees Wilco iTunes
Song Evergreen The Brian Jonestown Massacre
Song Bang a Gong (Get it On) T. Rex